A year or two ago I started reading Feast of Love. I got it as a gift, from a friend of mine who shares of love of reading and literature. I often pass the time on my morning and evening commute to and from work every day by reading. For some reason, I lost track of the book, or started reading something else and as often is the case, life happens and some things fall by the wayside. Imagine my surprise when I saw that the book was being reincarnated as a movie starring Greg Kinnear. It struck me that he was a great casting choice for the main character, and this sent me searching for the book in the depths of my closets and the tops of bookshelves. I soon located it and am now giving it another go. I am not finished, but I really like it, and I am looking forward to seeing the movie. As long as I wait a while between book and movie, and think of them as separate things, I can sometimes appreciate both. Unless of course it is the Da Vinci Code film...which I hated. If anyone is looking for a good read, I am making the recommendation based on the first half. Does anyone have any recommendations for what I should read next?