I was tagged by Tres Poshe Preppy to list some unimportant things about me.
Rules:1) you link back to the person who tagged you
2) post these rules on your blog
3) share six unimportant things about yourself
4) tag random people at the end of your entry
5) let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs
1. I was married in England but I am not English and neither is my fiance. My Aunt and uncle have a beautiful house in Surrey and I always thought it would be lovely to have my reception there...and everyone seemed up for it...so we did it!
2. I hate lunch meat and will not eat it--unless it is from in Italian deli, and then only genoa salami, prociutto, and a few others-- still no regular turkey or ham-I also dislike cake and ice cream.
3. I was very athletic as a child and even through highschool- I was even on the cover of the sports page in my city, but now no one believes me! When I say that I am athletic, or that I am good at sports people actually laugh in my face... I think it has something to do with my hair and I am short, and pretty girly and a little high maintenance.
4. I have been eating MOSTLY organic food since January 1, and have given up Diet Coke and Lean Cuisine frozen meals and I really don't see a difference... I might have actually gained weight.
5. My husband and I are not yet 30, and we have been married for less than a year, but already have conversations about what we will get for our "fun car". I think we are an old couple at heart- Big Guy can't stop talking about how we are going to get a convertable...
6. I once got chased down the street in Florence by a group of people who thought I was Shakira. I look nothing like Shakira....
I tag Pink Damask Diary and Magnolias, Marriage and Manhattan- I don't think you two have done this yet, but I apologize if you have...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Responses to Mom x 2's 100 things

I read a fellow Chicago Blogger's 100 things list and even though she said that she was bound to have things in common with those who read her blog, I was struck by just how much we had in common. When ever my friends and I fill out those email questionnaires that tell all about you and your favorite things, we all have fun making comments about each others answers- either agreeing, or sharing or side of the question or even just saying that you liked their answer. I had so much in common with Mom x 2, that I have to post my comments to her list- I hope it is ok with her that I am re-posting her list here. My answers are in pink. (surprise)
I’m 35 years old. On my 35th birthday I lamented to my husband “I am halfway to 40.” He said, no, you’re halfway to seventy. That is so funny. I always round up
I have 2 sons and I’m not sure I can handle more but sorta want 1 more. I really want 4, but two seems more affordable.
I have blonde hair. I’ve had blonde hair my whole life but after 2 children, it’s a really dark blonde so now I highlight. I used to have brown hair- now I am blonde with blonder highlights
My parents divorced when I was 6 years old. My Grandparents divorced when I was 6 – somehow they got an annulment. (after 6 kids)
I have 1 brother and 2 stepsisters (yes, just like Cinderella). I always wondered what it would be like to have step-siblings. Do you get along the same as full siblings?
I have played the piano since I was 8 years old. I tried- but didn’t love it
I’m still not very good. Me either…
I’ve always wanted to learn to play the guitar or drums. Always wanted to play something with strings, Guitar, violin, cello…
I love to cook and will try out new recipes on guests even though it’s a no-no. I always do the same thing- I feel like I rarely make the same thing twice…
I own 25+ cookbooks. Me too. My aunt helped me make my own, and it is always spilling over with print-outs. We should trade recipes!
No one needs to own a cookbook solely about portobellos. Wow.
I’m fascinated with all things Kennedy. It’s a sickness, actually. I know what you mean. I am oddly drawn to the whole thing- hey! They are preppy democrats too!
I own a Kennedy cookbook, thus combining 2 loves. Oooh! What is in it?
I don’t drink much but I like gin & tonic or a Blue Moon now and then. I LOVE Gin and tonic. It was my signature drink in college. I don’t love Blue Moon. I usually drink cheap beer.
I don’t wear a watch. Me either. I might if I got one that was really cute.
I rarely polish my fingernails but my toenails are always polished. Same…
I wish I could wear flip-flops everyday. Same! But I love new flip flops that have just been broken in and don’t smell yet. If they get wet it is hopeless.
I met my husband when I was 13. He was 12. Wow! That is so cool. My Husband and I lived in the same dorm freshman year of college and I knew all his friends- but never met him- and didn’t meet him until I moved to Chicago.
We married 12 years later. That is so great
I was an English major in college. Journalism
I picked English because nothing else really interested me. Same… I was good at writing but soon found I hated reporting. There is nothing fun about writing about construction at an 8th grade level so that the general public can read it…
Would love to open my own children’s clothing shop and give boy clothes its due. I would love to have my own business!
I’m a liberal (but not a wacko). I like to say I am socially liberal, but fiscally conservative
This is considered weird for a “preppy.” The Kennedy’s weren’t weird- and neither are you!
I have many conservative friends whom I love dearly. All my friends are liberals- except maybe one- and she isn’t into politics at all….
I think they love me too. I am sure they do.
A friend says I’m a democrat in republican clothing. Funny..
I say polos and argyle should be for everyone. True… but maybe not for Jerks- they give preps a bad name sometimes.
I love pink peonies. LOVE.. I made my wedding bouquet with pink peonies-along with other flowers but the Peonies made the biggest impact.
I love almost anything pink. Me too…all my clothes used to be pink. I branched out after college and I seemed to have worn t hem all out. I think I need to get back in the pink
My husband’s nickname for me is Laverne.
I’ll give you 3 guesses as to why. Ok- I might be dense, but you might have to help me out on this one…
I have a learned appreciation for Thomas and Bob the Builder. I hope I will be able to appreciate them…in the somewhat near future…
I have 2 nieces so I have an outlet for my girly side.
I eat any kind of cheese. I Love to have wine and cheese parties.
The stinkier the better. I have only tried one cheese I didn’t like- It smelled like the zoo… you might have liked it since you like the stinky ones!
I love to watch the weather and my “celebrity” crush is Tom Skilling. I watch channel 5 in the morning- so I don’t know who he is
I like the beach. Me too- but our beaches are scary in the City
But I don't like really hot weather. Same- I can’t go to Taste of Chicago because it is so hot and gross.
My favorite season is fall. ME TOO!!! Funny!
But spring is a close runner-up. I would say summer is my second.
I can only do skiing vacations before January 31st. I rarely go skiing but wish I did more often.
February and March are for beach getaways. Love the beach
I’m taking my first trip to Italy soon. When I went there I suddenly understood Italian….it was very strange- I have a witness so I am not crazy
I’m currently trying to learn Italian. I wish I could speak it now- all you really need to know is due vino rosso! And Illo sono una bella donna!
I’ve never been to Paris, which I feel is a tragedy. Love Paris, but it isn’t as all access as say London or some of the other European cities- you need a week to get to know the city in my opinion…
I have 3 best friends. Me too- One high school, One College and One Chicago..
I met all of them in college. Only one of mine is from college. But I have other good friends from college.
I love iced tea. I like it when my friend from Louisville makes it
I try to buy clothes that will not go out of style. Logical…
I love hats and wish that people wore hats more often. I would love to go to the Kentucky Derby and wear a fancy hat. My dad always says I look good in hats. Odd but true.
I wanted a poncho when they were in style a few years back. When My BFF and I went to Italy 5 or 6 years ago- ponchos were so in and we almost bought them.. then we came back and a few months later they started to be in style here! We could have been so fashion forward but we missed out- we never did get ponchos.
But I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
I don’t think I could pull off the poncho look. I will never know!
I live in a bungalow. I am looking at a re-designed bungalow…
This means the kids’ rooms are on the first floor.
This sorta sucks. Seems like it would be difficult.
My house is almost 100 years old. I love old houses.
And the floors sound like it. part of the charm!!!
I married a man slightly shorter than me. My husband is more than a foot taller than me… he is 6’5, I am 5’3’’
I’m not so into high heels anyway. I like heels, but I love flats
I like to throw parties. Love to make hors d’oeuvres and love to throw wine and apps parties
I’m not really into sports, but I’ll always root for the Cubs and the Bears. Same- I like going to games, and I also like basketball, but not really NBA
My favorite spot in all of Chicago is the Botanic Gardens. I have never been..
I take the kids and the stroller there and walk all summer.
My favorite magazine is Vanity Fair. I like Martha Stewart Living, Bon Appetit and Domino…and Lucky and InStyle
My favorite ice cream is chocolate. I don’t like Ice cream that much.
There is no bad flavor of ice cream. Except maybe peanut butter. I know.. I am crazy to not like Ice Cream…
I like anything chocolate. I like toblerone and brownies but not much else
I don’t drink coffee. I do if I am trying be on a budget
I do drink coffee-like drinks. I love espresso
I’m opinionated. I am opinionated but I don’t usually get mad if people have other ideas….unless it is a right wrong thing and I am right and people don’t believe me.
That sometimes gets me in trouble. I know what you mean
I have a hard time biting my tongue. I am sometimes too honest.. I can come off a little snobby- but I never say things in a mean way.
I’m working on this. I have put my foot in my mouth a few times lately.
My favorite vacation spot is Siesta Key, Florida. SHUT UP! We have a place on Longboat Key!!! Do you love St. Armand's circle!!! Have you ever been to the burger place near the aquarium?
I married into a winter-sports family. I married into a non-athletic, no vacation house family…I think I got the raw end of the deal…J/k
I’ve adjusted to hockey and skiing. My husbands family has family in Switzerland so I am hoping to go there to ski sometime.
I still don’t ski very well. I can’t imagine that I am good
I like my mother-in-law. Me too- she is a nut, but we get along
She still drives me crazy now and then. Very true…and you can’t tell them like you can your own parents…
I’m very close with my mom. My Mom and I have never been super close, but I can be very honest with her
She still drives me crazy now and then. More often than not! My mom is crazy…
I don’t wear much jewelry: wedding rings and pearl studs. I don’t have my ears pierced, but if I did I would only wear pearl or diamond studs
I rarely wear my hair up. OMG-at work it is Ponytail central-otherwise, I think I look better with it down. I have big cheeks.
I don’t like my chin. Everyone has something! I don’t like my butt.
My favorite foods are sushi, pizza and Mexican. Same same and same…
I love Indian and Thai food too. Same… I love to eat
I’m not really into music, but I like to dance. Same- my husband is more into music. I like it- but I don’t really have a favorite band that I follow- and I don’t always have to listen to it
Most of the songs on my ipod are the kids'. Funny- I have whatever my husband puts on there for me…I have everything from Kelley Clarkson to Andrea Boccelli to Les Miserables….I am an odd mix I suppose.
I’m not really into gardening, but I can do container gardening. I hope to be into it someday- I would love to have a big country house with Hydrangea and a kitchen garden, but as for now all I know about is my long skinny wooden box where I grow herbs on the patio.
I don’t really like birthday cake, but I love cupcakes. Hate cake…I know I know…odd- actually I loved my wedding cake...which I helped make- it was almond with butter creme frosting. It was really good.
I subscribe to People magazine and it’s my ‘guilty pleasure' on Friday nights. Ooh..I love to page through the US weeklies that co –workers leave in our gym.
I wish I had gone to culinary school. Me too! I don’t think I could handle working in a restaurant because it seems very intense, but I would love to be more technically skilled. I usually take a few classes a year. This year I look Vietnamese, a cheese and wine pairing class and a knife skills class.
My favorite movies are Sense and Sensibility and When Harry Met Sally. I really liked the Old Pride and Prejudice and I can always watch Love Actually. My favorite comfort Girly movie is Bridget Jones, but I don’t know what my actual favorite movie is… I have a lot of favorites.
My husband’s favorite movie is The Hunt for Red October. OMG- I hate that movie so much- I hate any movie with red lighting….
We have separate Netflix queues. Thank you, Netflix! Ha ha ha ha that is funny. I thought you were going to say you liked it.
I like to go antiquing. I never have been but I would like to go to those markets that I see on TLC
I collect English bone china teacups & saucers. My Grandmother gave me her Haviland China as her wedding present and as soon as my husband and I can find a house and move- I can finally bring it home!
I also collect old Emily Post guides. I would love to collect something beautiful someday, but I need a house first.
Anyway, It just goes to show you that you might have tons in common and not even know it! It was fun to get to know you a little better Mom x 2!!!
Please let me know if it bothers you that I posted your list.
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