Some of you have been asking for baby updates and I am happy to oblige. I am due February 11. As of this minute I am 15 weeks and 2 days pregnant and my baby is about the the size of an apple. Some days my belly is HUGE, like yesterday, and some days it is pretty small, like today--I am in a regular vineyard vines cord pencil skirt without a problem. It all seems very strange and random to me but I am sure that once I POP officially, it will be big from then on.
I am feeling pretty well in general, although today I have felt a little crummy. It honestly feels like I went out and partied last night (let me assure you that I did not).
Big Guy is very excited, and makes time to talk to the baby every day even though we are dealing with a million things going on right now (More on that later).
I am so excited to be a mom, and I know it sounds corny, but even though being pregnant makes me feel a million different ways--Happy, scared, anxious, uptight, stressed, cautious, tired, excited and nervous, there is the overwhelming feeling that what I am going through right now is entirely GOOD, it is almost like saying a 40 week prayer- and I don't usually talk like this, because I am not a talk-y person when it comes to what I believe- and faith and all of that, but I feel very tied to something bigger than myself with this experience, as though I am doing something that it 100% good. It is hard to explain. I hate to get all deep- but that was the thought that occurred to me this morning while I walked to work from my bus.
Thanks for all the kind words, the interest and the support fro my bloggy friends! It really does make me happy!
I am feeling pretty well in general, although today I have felt a little crummy. It honestly feels like I went out and partied last night (let me assure you that I did not).
Big Guy is very excited, and makes time to talk to the baby every day even though we are dealing with a million things going on right now (More on that later).
I am so excited to be a mom, and I know it sounds corny, but even though being pregnant makes me feel a million different ways--Happy, scared, anxious, uptight, stressed, cautious, tired, excited and nervous, there is the overwhelming feeling that what I am going through right now is entirely GOOD, it is almost like saying a 40 week prayer- and I don't usually talk like this, because I am not a talk-y person when it comes to what I believe- and faith and all of that, but I feel very tied to something bigger than myself with this experience, as though I am doing something that it 100% good. It is hard to explain. I hate to get all deep- but that was the thought that occurred to me this morning while I walked to work from my bus.
Thanks for all the kind words, the interest and the support fro my bloggy friends! It really does make me happy!
(picture from babycenter.com)