Friday, January 16, 2009
On a serious note- I just checked in on Kellys Korner and things are not going well. She was induced this morning and was doing just fine- she was even blogging through her labor-- but now it seems like things have gone wrong. The baby is having trouble breathing and is in intensive care- Kelly is also not doing as well as they would like- If everyone could say a little prayer- or keep them in your thoughts or whatever you feel comfortable doing- It can't hurt to send out good thoughts. It was a little scary to read about this--especially when you forget that labor is a serious thing and isn't always easy or predictable. It was kind of a wake-up call for me- I really need to take better care of myself for the next couple of weeks.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Weather AGAIN! Random post about my day
On that front, it looks like everything is tracking correctly and everything seems normal. Baby's head is down- which was no surprise to me since I think I feel it sometimes- and he seems like the right size! I am a different story. I have gained almost 10 lbs in the past two weeks! my pants are actually a bit snug now in the rear and they have been baggy and saggy the whole time! I know that the last 4 weeks of pregnancy is not the time to worry about being thin, but you just hate to see that scale jump so much!
Additionally, Big guy and I watched an instructional DVD last night about how to work our new Canon 50D. I know this makes us complete dorks, but it is a really informative DVD, it isn't boring and the whole things actually explains all of the tricky stuff like aperture and depth of field and shutter speed in a way that you can absorb. If anyone has a Canon that they would like to learn more about I would recommend the series of instructional DVDs- I am pretty sure he has them for all the different models and I think it was around $20. This is MUCH cheaper than some of the very expensive classes that are out there. I am really enjoying learning about this, and hope that it can be a mini hobby for Big guy and me.
Tomorrow is supposed to be really cold here and we have relaxed start times and departure times at work so that we can avoid the cold and stay safe on the roads- Big Guy just called and told me about a deal at whole foods where you get pizza on Wednesday nights for $11 or something like that. Last night there was a deal for a whole chicken for $5 and we stopped to get that- it was pretty good, but all I got was one breast and Big Guy ate the whole rest of the chicken!!! Does that seem right! I am the one who is eating for me and the baby- I should get more food! Big guy is such a human garbage disposal sometimes. I suppose I shouldn't complain-I made myself a whole huge plate of broccoli and he did buy me chocolate gelato which I very much enjoyed.
Sorry about the random post- I wasn't overly inspired today and just felt like rambling. i hope everyone is staying warm!
(By the way- message for Well I do Declare- I can't get into your blog- you may have to resend my invite if it is not too much trouble.)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Gift Ideas
Monday, January 12, 2009
SO TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!
I am still packing my Hospital bag, but made some cute purchases in preparation for the big day.

Then for recovery, I figured that my boobs would be huge and I would feel a little self conscious if I had visitors, so I wanted to get something comfy and not revealing. Plus, when I was in the hospital with my false alarm, I was freezing the whole time, so I wanted something that was a little cozy. I got this because it was comfy, big guy liked the yellow, and it has a few buttons to allow for nursing.
Then I picked out a cute little lounge set for when I get home and just need comfy, roomy PJs that don't make me feel ugly.These two tops coordinate with these pants.
Am I over-thinking all of this? Probably, but I like being overly prepared. The only thing I still need is the going home outfit for the baby. I have one in case he is big- 0-3 months sized, but not if he is newborn sized. I still need to find that- and a diaper bag, and a fitted sheet for the crib. I just want plain white for the fitted, so it shouldn't be too hard. We have about 4 more weeks- unless he comes early which every other person seems to think is going to happen!! Leave me alone people- I know my bump is large. I am short and even shorter-waisted! There is nowhere for this guy to go except straight out and that is what he is doing. I swear from the back you wouldn't know I was pregnant and then when I swing my massive midsection around it comes out of nowhere! Someone actually said they had never seen someone his big...How RUDE!