Monday, August 18, 2008

Self Improvement Pledge: Status Report

I was looking back at old posts and came across this one from January about my Pledge for Self Improvement! I decided to do a little inventory and see how I have been doing this past year- I still have 4 1/2 months left to finish what I started in case I feel motivated!

1. Lose 8-10 lbs......

ummm this one is not going to happen. I am actually not allowed to try to lose weight. Let's save this one for post-baby and for now I can focus on actually getting some exercise and getting into good shape.

2. Pay attention to what I put in my body

I think I am doing very well with this one. I try to eat organic when I can. I have avoided artificial dyes and sweeteners and I don't eat fast food or soda- except for ginger ale and the occasional sprite.

3. Chill out

Yeah- this one hasn't really happened. Part of it is due to hormones I can't control and part of it is just my nature-I do need to concentrate and make an effort to relax- stress isn't good for you!

4. Buy a house

I will have more to say about this later in the week....

5. Take Sewing lessons

I had about three lessons and I would love to take more- I think that this might be a fall activity for me.

6. Travel

We didn't squeeze in that final Europe trip-- oh well. We can always leave the future kiddos with my parents and take a trip- not sure if we will have the money once we embark on the road of parenthood, but if all else fails we will have to make up for it once the kids are grown. My parents just went to Switzerland and loved it- My father had never been before and my mom hadn't been since she was younger, so it was a nice thing for them to do together.

7. Be nicer

This is something I am working on- I am totally not there yet- but I am working on it. I take this one seriously because I think you teach by example. If I want my future children to be kind- or if I want others to be kind to me- I need to set an example. This means no more Catty gossip or comments about outfits or whatever- If I think someone is being nuts- let them be nuts! There is no sense in getting all worked up if it doesn't affect me.

8. Get Organized

ummm....kind of. I am definitely keeping the apartment tidy more often than not, and doing laundry in spurts rather than all at once. Big Guy has been helping around the house more and making the bed which is great. I still have a long way to go on this one.

9. Give

I can always give more-- my time, my money and my talent

10. Read more

I think I have been doing well with this one- I have read about a book a month which is pretty good since I usually just read on my commute! I need to keep going because I find that it really does relax me and make me happy when I read.

OK- so there is my list re-cap- I would say that I am not doing that well, but I suppose I have room to improve! I hope to move into this next phase of life with a good, happy, healthy, calm and organized state of mind....we'll see how that goes!


Jen said...

Have you heard about Amy Butlers new sewing book that's all baby patterns. It's absolutely adorable! It's called amy butler's little stitches for little ones.

Muffy said...

I think you did great! At least you're trying- that counts!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

I think you did great! Holding oneself responsible is key and you did that! YAY!!!

I'm on all fruit/veggie/brown rice/water detox right now. Feeling great!

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