Look at my poor baby! I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Last night I suddenly noticed that he wasn't snuggled on the couch with us. He is so small that sometimes we need to pat around and check under blankets to find him. I decided to check the bathroom since he sometimes climbs into the tub to lick the drain when his wanter bowl is empty and then can't get out--but he wasn't there either. I finally found him in our bed under the covers. I was a little worried, but figured he wasn't feeling well, or was cold-until I noticed him walking funny. I will spare you the gorey details, but let's just say that when I took a look at his rear end I just jumped up grabbed my boots and yelled- we need to go to the Emergency Vet! Luckily it wasn't anything life threatening, but he has a wound on his butt cheek that sure isn't pretty. They had to put him out because the little issue that he had, needed to be fixed and they said it was really painful, so now he has puppy painkillers and a big cone on his head! He hates it, but it is for his own good. I just wanted to share the pictures because even though I feel so bad for him, I can't help but laugh at that silly cone.
I hope your sweet puppy recovers quickly. He is so cute and the lampshade collar is just perfect on him :)
Hey Midwest Prep, I hope your little puppy is feeling better soon. Poor little thing, he does look so pitiful with that silly cone on his head, but anything is better than letting them knaw on their wound-Yuck. Take care and hope you'll check back in. Either way, thanks for your kind words about my mom!!!
What a cutie. Poor little guy, I hope he gets to feeling better, real soon.
Oh no! My dog had one of those cones too. So sad!
Poor baby! Here is the link to the meter I use...I have the free one! http://www.sitemeter.com/ I hope that helps you.
Your dog is so adorable! Love your blog!
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