Yesterday we had a doctor's appointment and we were both anxious to hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time. We had caught a glimpse of a little flashing heart on an early ultrasound at around 7 or 8 weeks, but had yet to have that moment where we hear the heart and know that the pregnancy is real- and that we are soon to be parents! After hearing it????---all I can say is that I feel a little bit cheated! It wasn't magical! It barely lasted 5 seconds. It was very unceremonious and the doctor just seemed to rush through it- she placed the doppler thing on my stomach, moved it around a little, found it, and said- there it is... and then I said, "That is the heartbeat?" and I smiled and looked at Big Guy and then it was over and she was packing up her stuff and it was all done! There was no discussion, no- time to really digest what we were listening to- no EXPERIENCE! I feel sad that I felt rushed and almost like it was no big deal! I wonder if I made a mistake when I stuck with the teaching hospital instead of choosing a private practice? I thought they were supposed to tell me a number- something like a heart rate or BPM or something! but really- it all happened so fast! I don't know what to think about this. My next ultrasound at 20 weeks is supposed to be an hour long, so I suppose that will give me plenty of ooh and ahh time? Has anyone else had this experience?
I am 22 weeks pregnant. The first time I went it felt very rushed, but they did at least tell me the bpm. I thought it would be magical too and it really wasn't- though I think you will really feel and see the magic at the 20 week ultrasound (at least I did!!).
What a wonderful experience. Many blessings in your life as you go through this special time.
Some people consider ultrasounds controversial -- one study showed that cells in a test tube mutated after they were exposed to the ultrasound. What I'm saying is that maybe it's good to get it over with quickly. Take comfort in that strong heartbeat! Congrats! How are you feeling?
I have been quite ill with morning sickness lately myself - I never upchuck but sure do feel like it. I am about 8 weeks along with baby #5. I saw a heartbeat on a brief ultrasound too.
I'm sorry you were disappointed! The only good news is that you get to listen to the heartbeat at every appointment from now on (at least I did) so you'll have another chance soon! And iirc, the only time I was given a number was during my ultrasounds, I don't think they count the bpm during the regular checkups.
The 20 week u/s is very long, though, and you'll get to see a ton!
Its a bummer it wasn;t what you expected. Many of my check-ups were very quick however I almost always got the bpm. If after a couple of office visits you don't feel warm and fussy I would highly reccomend visiting a midwife if your insurance allows are switching doctors. Looking back I wish I had a doula.
If you don't feel like something is right - ie, you're being rushed - speak up to your doctor. You're the patient and in my experience, if the doctor doesn't take the time you need, you speak up. If they still don't treat you the way you want, switch doctors. There is nothing in stone that you have to stay with a doctor because you're pregnant. Maybe see how your next appointment is.
FWIW, and I'm sure this will NOT happen to you, during one of my visits, my doctor listened long enough to notice that they heart rate dipped. I was sent to the hospital for testing. The 20 week ultrasound should ease any uneasiness you feel but seriously, you're the patient. Demand what you think you should be getting.
Congrats - are you feeling better sickness-wise?
I would have asked. If he/she did not leave the doppler on long enough to do a quick calculation, then ask him/her to do so. You are paying a shit ton of money to have your baby with them so it is the very least you can do.
However at the biggie u/s you will see and hear it a lot more which is wonderful.
Just don't be afraid to say what you need to say to the doctor.
I go to a private practice and delivered in a small community hospital. I really did not want the "teaching" hospital feel and I can say that there were times that they certainly rushed me and I didn't always get the experience that I had imagined in my head. I think it depends on the doctor and they day they are having. Maybe it is so routine for them sometimes they just don't think.
Sorry they rushed through it - but how wonderful to hear that magical sound! Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Thanks too for the travel info. We took a whirlwind day trip from here to Freeport (LL Bean - so happy!) and then down to Rye Beach for dinner and to see DH's grandmother's house. It was too much driving for one day - but not only did we love the places we went, we passed a number of other places that we can't wait to explore. If it weren't for the rain, this entire New England experience would be perfect.
That is retarded! I was at a private fertility clinic that was very fancy so they had very high tech stuff and they really let us have an experience. Put your pregnant foot down next time!
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