These past two weeks have been really challenging with my health issues and the lack of sleep and the rushed trips to the pediatrician and all of the craziness that comes with having a baby and also having your body completely give out on you--but I am on the road to recovery. I was diagnosed with a condition called PUPPS which is rarely manifested after pregnancy, but I am always a science project when it comes to my health, so it doesn't surprise me. From what I understand, it all relates to my body trying to process and recover and not being able to handle the 30 lbs of water weight that I lost in the first two weeks. My stomach was so tight due to a lot of amniotic fluid that it burst into a crazy and very itchy case of hives that spread all up and down my arms and legs. It was so wicked and angry that it prompted a dermatologist to take pictures of it! Embarrassing.
These past two weeks have been really challenging with my health issues and the lack of sleep and the rushed trips to the pediatrician and all of the craziness that comes with having a baby and also having your body completely give out on you--but I am on the road to recovery. I was diagnosed with a condition called PUPPS which is rarely manifested after pregnancy, but I am always a science project when it comes to my health, so it doesn't surprise me. From what I understand, it all relates to my body trying to process and recover and not being able to handle the 30 lbs of water weight that I lost in the first two weeks. My stomach was so tight due to a lot of amniotic fluid that it burst into a crazy and very itchy case of hives that spread all up and down my arms and legs. It was so wicked and angry that it prompted a dermatologist to take pictures of it! Embarrassing.
They have me on all sorts of antihistamines and even gave me a short burst of steroid treatments (all baby safe) and the rash is actually starting to recede. I am starting to feel normal again little by little and today is my first day alone with Baby H! My mother left early Sunday morning and Big Guy has been back at work for a week now. This morning I was a little worried because it seemed like it was going to be one of those days. H was fussy fussy fussy and I have been up since 5am straight. Usually I get to feed him and then go back to sleep until 8 or 9 when he wakes up and wants to eat again, but he wouldn't fall asleep and kept fussing and crying and then he needed to be changed, and then he spit up, and needed to be cleaned up and then changed again, and then I think his stomach hurt so he was not happy and then he was hungry an hour earlier than I thought he would be so I fed him while balancing my cereal bowl on him...nice mother-huh? Right now he is propped up in his boppy asleep- we have to keep him upright after he eats so he won't projectile vomit all over everything- -this kid's spit up is legendary. Anyway, I wanted to check in and give and update- I am very behind on keeping up with everyone so I am trying to play catch up thins morning. Don't be surprised if I am commenting on old news! 
In non-baby related news I made a German Chocolate Cake last week and it was fabulous! I had some issues with overfilling the pans and having the batter bubble over all over my oven, but after some artful trimming it turned out lovely. I think this is my first real triple decker cake and certainly my first non boxed cake. Bug Guy even took the rest to work today to share with friends!
Happy Monday everyone!
He is SO adorable!! Your cake looks yummy as well. I hope your day alone goes well, and I hope that H is a calm baby today!
I hope you recover soon!! Get well wishes are being sent your way. That cake looks so good!
That cake looks delicious! Welcome back!! :)
I hope that things are on the upswing and that you and your little man are doing better.
Spring will come to the Chicagoland area.
You sound like a rock star. That would suck, having health problems along with dealing with first-time motherhood. You sound like you're handling it well.
I remember those early days when you feel like you haven't done anything all day but attend to that little 8 lb crying sack of love. My husband would come home from work and say, "What did you do today?" and it was all I could do not to scream, "BREASTFED YOUR SON ALL DAY LONG!!"
Good luck with everything. Hope you're feeling back to normal real soon and keep us posted!!
Glad you are feeling better. What a rough few weeks you have had. Baby is beautiful!!
You have PUPPS? I had it while I was pregnant, MISERABLE!! I got it around 29 weeks and it was so bad they induced my labor right at 36 weeks. Nothing helped me, not antihistamines, creams, steroids nothing.. the only relief I got was Gold Bond Medicated lotion with Menthol.. I feel your pain!! Hope you are getting better!!!
That Pupp thing is so something that would happen to me! I am so glad you're getting better though. Sounds like you're in baby vegas (see my post today!) I cannot believe you made a cake!
Gosh he is cute!
Thanks for checking in! I do hope you get to feeling better! Enjoy your time with that precious little boy! :-)
Glad you are getting over your rash! Sounds like you have a lot on your plate! Nevertheless, I am so impressed that you found the time to make a ckae - wow, supermum or what?
I am glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery and enjoying being the awesome mama you are....that cake is unbelieveable, I could never even attempt that, well done!!!
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