Sorry I have been MIA-
Work and the new hellish commute routine and exhaustion have just taken so much out of me that I never have the energy to come up with a great post...
I am still reading your blogs though and hopefully I will bounce back soon...
Here is an H pic for you in the mean time....
plus I read an interesting article today that I wanted to share. I have been a handful lately- over emotional and just plain mad about going back to work. I try to retain some perspective about the fact that it is also hard for Big Guy- even though sometimes I think he has no idea about how hard things are for me right now. Anyway- I am trying to think about him too... especially since today is our two year wedding anniversary.
Great article. I just sent the link to my husband. I too and completely mad and upset that I am back at work. (Yesterday was my first day back) I was in a huge funk all weekend, dreading going back. I never realized how mcuh I would want to stay home with her.... until I did it for 10 weeks.
Happy Anniversary! I hope things calm down and get better. Gosh that is a cute baby you have.
Hang in there! Your little H is adorable.
It's SO hard going back. Maybe you'll be able to stay home in the future...I'll keep thinking good thoughts for you!
Happy anniversary! Hope tomorrow is a little easier for you ...
Happy Anniversary Miss Prep! I hope things get better for you, even if only a little bit. The way you wrote about the challenges of going back to work was just outstanding. You really captured those sentiments perfectly, sharing what so many Moms feel and may never say.
Sending a hug,
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