Art is always very difficult for me. I don't quite know what I am looking for, but I know what I DON'T want. Many times, when I find something I like, it is too expensive or the scale is all wrong. For G's nursery, I took a casual approach, checking out thrift shops and second hand art sales over time and just grabbing things I liked instead of trying to make everything GO TOGETHER. I am pretty excited about the few pieces that we managed to find and wanted to share them with you. I added a few accessories in the mix as "Art" and I will include them in the budget breakdown.
Elephant Screen Print: $6 including matte and frame. I found this at a thrift store hanging on the wall. I debated using it since Baby G's name doesn't start with E, but I like the print so much I decided that didn't matter. I think it may be a screen print.
Colorful Boy and Girl Print: $2 framed ( I reframed it in an Ikea Ribba frame I already had)
This was professionally framed with brown paper backing but I didn't care for the frame. When I tore it open I found what I suspected all along. This was originally a greeting card- and it was written in! The writer mentioned a little boy whose name was eerily similar to my son's name which made me feel like I was meant to find this little treasure. I wonder who sent it and who received it and what they were like.
Fish Painting: Painted by my sister- she did a copy of a painting I saw in a catalogue. Hers is slightly different and her colors are brighter, but I love it. I framed it in another Ribba frame
Peter Pan Drawing Print (Or at least I think it looks like Peter Pan) I found this for $5 at a second-hand art sale. It was in a terrible frame and I stuck it in one of my trusty Ribba frames for about $16.
Pillows: These aren't really art I suppose, but I took a picture of our dog, traced him in photoshop and created an image which I uploaded to spoonflower.com and ordered as custom fabric. I really love how they turned out and since Baby G is in LOVE with our dog, I think it is fitting that he is a part of her room decor. The fabric cost about $18/yard- I used 2 yards of custom fabric for each pillow (there is a floral fabric I designed on the back seen in Baby G's dress from an earlier post).
Mirror: Again, this isn't art, but the shape of this mirror was so pretty and it helps add some girly whimsy to the space. We found it at homegoods for $20 and re-painted white to match the trim in the room.
I like that some of these things have hung in other homes and seen other children grow up- it imparts a little bit of history and nostalgia and definitely contributes some warmth and feeling to the room.
Hope you enjoyed the run-down. Thanks for reading!
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