Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I received blog awards from Stylish Suburban and The Grove Gals at Pineapple Grove Gifts. Thanks so much! I know that there are a lot of rules and that I am supposed to nominate 10 blogs that you should check out, but I feel like all the blogs I read are fabulous- or else I wouldn't read them every day! I would encourage you to check out all of the blogs on my blog roll and also the blogs that follow mine--I love those blogs too- I just haven't had a chance to update my list in a while. I think it is so great that everyone has built this great little community and that everyone is so supportive of each other! Thanks to all that read my blog- both commenters and lurkers alike!

1 comment:

Tippy said...

I love your blog and my only complaint is that selfishly I wish you posted more! Haha!

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